My Week in Writing (15/04/18)

20180415_201657.jpgI’ve not have the most eventful week. I’ve done a fair amount of writing, but to be honest, I’ve mostly just consumed various forms of Lord of the Rings related media!

I’m still really enjoying the 1981 radio series, though since I’ve started listening to work I’m finding it a little harder to follow. I’m now into The Return of the King and finding it a bit rushed, but they have a lot to cram in to thirteen episodes. Very close in tone to the books and with some outstanding voice acting.

I also watched the Rankin Bass adaption of Return of the King, because I’m a completist, and I honestly think it’s a little underated. Though that might be because I watched it on the heels of the Ralph Bakshi version so I was just pleased that it had a consistant animation style!

Anyway, it’s entertaining and if nothing else very compact for a take on Lord of the Rings (about an hour and a half long). We had a good time watching it.

Otherwise, I’m still re-reading and am now a fair way into The Two Towers and, as ever, missing Frodo and Sam.

In non-Lord of the Rings news, The Green and the Gathering Tide is 224,240 words long as of right now and my new short story is coming along nicely. I’m also about done with my next review for Shoreline and in the process of applying for a job with Canongate – I’ve applied to them before but never made the interview stage. This time around I have more experience so fingers crossed.


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